VAME Weekend away 2023

At the 2023 weekend away, we made two workshops, the 1:12 Christmas Market stalls and the 1:48 Swiss Chalets.

We already have several finished Christmas stalls but as the Swiss Chalets are quite complex, it will take some time to get photos of the finished ones.

1:12 Christmas Market Stalls

Andrea C.
Jan S.
Barbara T.
Robyn T.
Terry P.

Gloria L. (front view)

Gloria L. (side view)
Gloria L. (side view)

Angie P.

Kate W.

Barbara T.

Wendy J.

Jacqui A.

Lyn M.

Kathy S.

Janette H. (front view)

Janette H. (side view)

Alana R.
Sandra W.
Nicole F.
Nicole F. (side view)
Nicole F. (side view)
Marg Y.
Lyn M.
Madeleine B.
Janine R.

Janine R. (Fred’s Fruit and Veg stall abandoned)

1:48 Swiss Chalets:

Jan S.
Lisa W.
Catherine J.
Catherine McA.
Kate W.
Kate W. (top level)
Kate W. (middle level)
Lynette S.
Lynette S, (top floor)
Lynette S. (Middle floor)
Lynette S. (Ground floor)
Kay McD.